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Liberti > 6900 Series
Manufactured under license from LIBERTI, USA
  • Durable non-conductive “C” channel side rails in high visibility safety yellow
  • Super tough copolymer top for strength and durability
  • Wide 3" slip-resistant serrated aluminium steps for safe climbing
  • Inside spreader arms complete with “wrap-around’ sleeves that strengthen spreader-to-rail connection and protect spreader arms during storage/loading/transit
  • Rear horizontal struts every 22". Top and bottom struts reinforced with Zinc coated steel diagonal braces
  • Reinforced with Zinc coated steel diagonal braces at top and bottom steps
  • Extra-large PVC rubber safety boots are heavy-duty and provide rail protection and slip resistance
  • Available Sizes: 3',4',5',6',7',8',10' & 12'
Model No. Size Approx.
Max. Reach Highest Standing Level
Mts. Ft.
Mts. Ft.
Mts. Ft.
Mts. Ft.
Mts. Ft.
1.22 4
0.53 1.74
0.76 2.5
2.43 8
0.6 2
1.82 6
0.62 2.03
1.08 3.54
3.04 10
1.22 4
2.43 8
0.71 2.33
1.39 4.56
3.65 12
1.82 6
3.04 10
0.8 2.62
1.7 5.58
4.26 14
2.43 8
3.65 12
0.9 3
2 6.6
4.87 16
3.04 10
4.26 14
0.97 3.2
2.33 7.64
5.48 18
3.65 12
4.87 16
1.06 3.5
2.64 8.66
6.09 20
4.26 14