globally benchmarked manufacturing plant is what you have with us. Replicating internationally acclaimed standards of precision, research and work ethic, our plant is self-contained and comes with the inherent capabilities of meeting small to large requirements.

Plant with an advantage
Sagar Asia has set up manufacturing operations for its Access Technology Equipment in Hyderabad, thus taking the prime mover advantage in its sector. The plant is located in a campus of over 2 acre with machinery that replicates German Precision. Manpower has been similarly trained to stay abreast of the rigid standards and specifications. To meet the ever increasing and new requirements of a growing economy, a Research & Development department will keep working to come up with more innovative solutions for the world. A Design Centre has also been set up for development and design of products which will meet customized needs.
Understanding needs, designing products with relevance, listening to customers, sourcing for the best raw material, manufacturing to international standards of production and quality control. This is our concept of ‘integration’. Bringing together all that is needed to make access safe, easy and smart.
International Standards
No standards, no way. A simple philosophy at work at Sagar Asia. Our products subscribe to both European and US standards. OSHA and ANSI adherence goes hand in hand with our ISO certified plant.
Quality all the way
We use high quality structural high grade aluminum alloy. Our products are always harder, resilient and safer. Our welding technology Gas Tungsten Arc welding (GTAW) ensures superior quality fabrication resulting in unequalled strength, safety and durability of the finished product. All our products carry an unconditional guarantee against faulty workmanship – this includes welding, flanging components etc.